Important: School Angel is closing down this year
- We are sorry to report that the charity will be closing down permanently this year (2021) after the majority of the big high street shopping brands we used to work with have ended their support following changes in their business models due partly to the covid-19 pandemic.
- Without being able to offer these big brands as shopping options our charity is no longer a viable fundraiser for schools.
- The charity will be wound down over the next six months closing fully in the Autumn.
- Over the next six months we will continue to support our registered schools and and if you still decide to make a donation then as always this money will be used 100% to support disadvantaged pupils.
- This donation page will remain active until the the end of June when it will be taken down to allow for any remaining monies to be fully distributed to the children.
Make a donation to School Angel
School Angel is one of the most efficient children's charities in the UK today. With no paid staff and run entirely by volunteers it means that every penny the charity receives really does make a difference to the children we help. If you feel you could help us by making a donation to the charity, then you can do so from this page.
What difference can your donation make?
- £3.35 pays for one hour of specialised drama therapy group for a child who is suffering with low self esteem, confidence or finds making friends can change a child's world. Giving them the confidence to engage with school life and learning..
- £4.20 pays for a school jumper to a child who suffers from the effects of social deprivation...a problem more widespread than you may think...
- £15 pays for one hour of 1:1 teaching support, for a child in care to attend an after-school club, where a parent must attend..who otherwise could not go...
- £99 pays for an Alpha Smart tablet which is life changing for a child with dyslexia...allowing them to keep up with their peers, engage and thrive at school....£200 supplies a laptop for a child with complex needs to allow them to communicate at home, with friends and at school...opening their world..
Disadvantaged Children's Fund
Our disadvantaged children's fund supports children who really need a little extra help. We rely on school teachers who know their pupils best to identify when a child who needs our help. Often this might be discreetly funding a small item for a socially deprived child or helping a disabled child with a specialist piece of equipment which cannot be funded any other way.
We offer two ways to securely donate to School Angel online, using either PayPal or the Charities Aid Foundation bank.
No matter how small your donation, it will be very welcome and help us, to help even more children achieve their potential.
Thank you
Our disadvantaged children's fund supports children who really need a little extra help. We rely on school teachers who know their pupils best to identify when a child who needs our help. Often this might be discreetly funding a small item for a socially deprived child or helping a disabled child with a specialist piece of equipment which cannot be funded any other way.
We offer two ways to securely donate to School Angel online, using either PayPal or the Charities Aid Foundation bank.
No matter how small your donation, it will be very welcome and help us, to help even more children achieve their potential.
Thank you